Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/22/10- Random Thoughts

everyone has random thoughts. you know, thoughts that kinda come out of nowhere and really dont make much sense?! lately, i've been writing down some of my random thoughts and thinking about them later. i dont think thats the point of random thoughts, but i dont quite do things as expected. not sure why i am sharing this. not all my thoughts are weight loss related.

-people who dont know that i have lost weight just see me as another fat girl.
-why cant i stop eating cookies...maybe i should stop buying them....maybe.
-i can see my feet now when i lay on back.
-my reflection in the door knob looks weird.
-losing weight wont make my feet pretty.
-my biological mom would be 61 this year...wonder what our relationship would be like.
- why do people have the nerve to ask if my diamond earrings are real?
-how will i look in one year?
- i like compliments, but am still uncomfortable hearing them.
- cleaning my bathroom makes me happy.
i like me....finally!

i know this entry doesnt make much sense, but its my blog and i can post what i want!

all of me,

Monday, September 6, 2010

what a feeling!

as you all know, i completed the c'ville women's 4 miler this past weekend. it was an incredible experience, one i will NEVER forget. my son said i "looked" like an athlete with my race gear the fitness level of the participants ranged from highly athletic to "Lord, help me make it through this." I would say i fall someone in the middle. the weather was beautiful and the crowd of supporters seemed to be endless. the residents who live along garth road were standing at the end of their driveways clapping and cheering you on. and even though i was walking alone, i never felt alone. i met a new mom who was carrying her baby while walking. the race was her way of getting back into shape. i met a grandma who was an avid walker for years, but due to knee problems; hadnt been able to actively walk. i also met breast cancer survivors and those walking in memory of someone who had lost the battle. the last mile of the race is very emotional and you try not to cry so you can see to cross the finish line. its called the memory mile and it honors those who have passed away. there are posters hanging along the fence with the names of mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, friends. it is a true reminder of why you participate. not to compete, but to remember.

as i crossed the finish line (1 hour and 23 mins) i felt such a feeling of accomplishment! i felt like i stepped out of the old and into the new. it's like i said good bye to the old char. the char who didnt like working out (not that i love it or didnt care what she ate. last year around this sametime, i wasnt even thinking about doing anything like this. but now, i am training for the next race on t-giving day....AMAZING!

thanks to everyone for your love and support. i carried it with me during the race.

all of me,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

and the winner is.....

I weighed in and had my measurements done tonight. I am so pleased with my progress since my last check up. I have lost 10 inches(total body) & 14 lbs since April!!

As promised, I am ready to reveal my weight. Someone asked me why am I doing this? Well, this blog is my accountability tool and when I say I'm gonna do something, I do it! I have allowed my weight to keep me from doing and saying many things in my life......NOT ANYMORE!!! I am more than a conquerer,so I need to start living that way, time to be FREE!!!

I began this journey on 8/1/09 at a starting weight of 330lbs. Today, one year and one month later i weigh 288lbs. That's right, I have lost 42 lbs!

Who's the winner? I AM!!!!!

all of me,