Friday, March 19, 2010

3/19/10 feeling a little lighter

one of the benefits of losing weight is that your clothes don't fit anymore. i would say that's a good problem to have. my mon-fri wardrobe consists of various shirts/jackets & 5 pairs of pants-2 black, 1 gray, 1 brown and 1 wine/burgundy. of these 5, the gray pants are the only pair that don't look like i'm wearing a tarp.(it has a drawstring) so, i guess i need to go shopping, huh? i am reluctant about buying new clothes because the plan is to keep losing weight. i'm not sure how this works...any suggestions? last week i went out shopping for a brown skirt; nothing fancy, just a plain brown skirt. i found one, tried it on and it was too big....great, right? do you know i tried to convince myself to buy that skirt even though it was waayyy too big? i've heard stories of people who lose weight and still shop for the size they use to that what i'm doing? i didn't buy the skirt, but even after i got home, i was still telling myself i should have bought it! maybe i shouldn't go shopping alone...this is weird. when i look in the mirror, i do see that my body is changing a little, but my mind hasn't gotten there yet. does ANYONE know what i'm talking about? oh great, another thing to talk to my therapist about!LOL

like i said, this is all new to me. I have never lost this much weight at one time. it's a little scary, but i'm gonna continue because i like the way i feel....ok, i like the way i look, too!

all of me,

1 comment:

  1. My problem is that I go shopping too early. Girl, when you don't have anything to wear, its time to go shopping. Just don't shop expensively because it will be a waste unless you decide to visit an alterer often. WTG Char! I'm so proud of you!
