Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10/27/10- its the most wonderful time of the year

not christmas, but fall. dont you love this time of year? the colors and the cooler temps are what does it for me. i also enjoy all the yummy warm foods of the season....comfort food. i am not a fan of apple pie, but i love to smell it baking...cinnamon, nutmeg, good. this fall, i am going to approach all the great food of the season in a way i never have before, with peace of mind. i now know that food is fuel and i dont need a lot of it to keep going. i'm looking forward to thanksgiving, but it is not an excuse to overeat. i'm making a promise to myself to not do that.

all of me,



  1. Good commitment and excellent way to think of food! Keep it going!

  2. THat is an excellent way to look at it! I'm so proud of you, girl! I love the new picture. You look beautiful!
